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The post-liberal economic landscape in India has significantly influenced ethnic identity and communalism, fostering new dynamics of social interaction and conflict. Economic reforms have altered traditional power structures, often leading to the reassertion of ethnic identities as communities seek recognition and resources.

Q20. Discuss the impact of post-liberal economy on ethnic identity and communalism.

Model Answer:


The post-liberal economy, marked by economic liberalisation, globalisation, and market reforms, has had significant impacts on ethnic identity and communalism in various ways:


Economic Opportunities and Inequalities

  •  Economic Growth: Liberalisation has led to substantial economic growth, creating new opportunities for many, especially in urban areas. This has allowed individuals from diverse ethnic backgrounds to improve their socioeconomic status, potentially weakening rigid ethnic identities.
  •  Increased Inequality: While some have benefited, others have been left behind, exacerbating economic inequalities. These disparities can deepen existing ethnic and communal tensions, as marginalised groups may feel excluded from the benefits of growth.

 Urbanization and Migration

  •  Urbanisation: Economic reforms have spurred rapid urbanisation, bringing people from different ethnic backgrounds together in cities. This can lead to greater interaction and interdependence among ethnic groups, potentially reducing communal tensions.
  • Migration: Internal migration for economic opportunities has mixed effects. It can lead to cultural exchange and blending of identities, but it can also result in competition for resources, jobs, and housing, sometimes leading to ethnic and communal conflicts.

Political Dynamics

  •  Political Mobilization: Economic liberalization has altered the political landscape, with ethnic and communal identities being used by political actors to mobilize support. In some cases, economic discontent has been channeled into ethnic or communal grievances.
  • Affirmative Action :  Policies aimed at economic inclusion, such as affirmative action and reservations for historically marginalized communities, have both alleviated and exacerbated ethnic tensions, depending on how they are perceived and implemented.

Cultural Impact

  • Globalization: Exposure to global cultures through media, technology, and consumer goods has influenced ethnic identities, sometimes leading to a blending of cultural practices but also sparking a reactionary defense of traditional identities.
  •  Cultural Revivalism: In response to globalization, there has been a revival of ethnic and communal identities as groups seek to preserve their cultural heritage. This can lead to a stronger sense of community but also to exclusivity and communalism.

 Social Dynamics

  • Changing Social Norms: Economic reforms have led to changing social norms and values, influencing family structures, gender roles, and inter-caste or inter-ethnic marriages. These changes can contribute to both the dilution and reinforcement of ethnic identities.
  •  Communal Organisations: Economic liberalisation has allowed the proliferation of NGOs, religious groups, and other organisations that can either promote communal harmony or reinforce communal divides.

Conflict and Cooperation

  • Resource Competition: Economic liberalization has sometimes intensified competition for resources such as land, water, and jobs, which can exacerbate ethnic and communal conflicts.
  •  Economic Interdependence: On the other hand, economic interdependence fostered by liberalization can promote cooperation among different ethnic groups as they work together in business and industry.


The post-liberal economy has had a complex impact on ethnic identity and communalism, promoting both integration and division. The outcomes depend on various factors, including the distribution of economic benefits, political strategies, social policies, and cultural responses to globalization.

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