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Q5. Analyze the role of local bodies in providing good governance at local level and bring out the pros and cons of merging the rural local bodies with the urban local bodies.



73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments were passed by the Parliament in 1992. Through these amendments local self-government was introduced in rural and urban India.


Role of local bodies in providing good governance:

  • Decentralized Decision Making: Local bodies bring decision-making closer to the people, promoting transparency, accountability, and community participation.
  • Public Service Delivery: They are responsible for essential services such as water supply, sanitation, health, education, and infrastructure development. 
  • Local Development: Local bodies identify and prioritize developmental projects based on specific local needs, ensuring targeted resource allocation and implementation.
  • People's Participation: Initiatives such as Gram Sabhas and Ward Committees empower citizens to participate directly in decision-making processes, ensuring their concerns are addressed.
  • Responsive Governance: Local bodies can quickly address local issues due to their proximity to the population, offering solutions tailored to immediate needs.

Merging of rural and urban local bodies



Integrated Planning and Development: As recommended by the 2nd ARC, a merger could promote coordinated development in peri-urban areas where urbanization encroaches on rural spaces.

Loss of Local Autonomy: The Sarkaria Commission warned that rural areas might lose decision-making power if merged with urban bodies, which could prioritize urban issues over rural concerns.

Efficient Resource Use: The Narasimham Committee suggested optimal resource use through pooling rural and urban resources for projects like waste management and transportation.

Administrative Complexity: The Punchhi Commission emphasized the need for clarity in administrative functions, which might be difficult in a merged setup.

Reduction of Administrative Overlap: Minimize jurisdictional conflicts, improving governance and policy implementation.

Cultural and Social Differences: The MM Punchhi Commission warned that differing social, economic, and cultural dynamics in rural and urban areas complicate integration.

Reduction of Jurisdictional Conflicts:   Merging can eliminate overlaps in areas such as peri-urban zones as seen in regions like Gurgaon-Manesar, where urbanization spills into rural areas.

Rise in taxes: Rural areas may be concerned about a rise in taxes.


While merging rural and urban local bodies could offer efficiency and integration in governance, careful consideration is needed to ensure that the unique needs of rural populations are not overshadowed by urban priorities. The success of such a merger depends on managing differences between the two areas and ensuring that benefits of integration outweigh potential drawbacks.

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