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Q8. Case Study

Raman is a senior IPS officer and has recently been posted as D.G. of a state. Among the various issues and problems/challenges which needed his immediate attention, the issue relating to recruitment of unemployed youth by an unknown terrorist group, was a matter of grave concern. 

It was noted that unemployment was relatively high in the state. The problem of unemployment amongst graduates and those with higher education was much more grave. Thus they were vulnerable and soft targets. 

In the review meeting taken by him with senior officers of DIG Range and above, it came to  light that a new terrorist group has emerged at the global level. It has launched a massive drive to recruit young unemployed people. Special focus was to pick young people from a particular community. The said organization seemed to have the clear objective of utilizing/using them for carrying out militant activities. It was also gathered that the said (new) group is desperately trying to spread its tentacles in his state.

A definite/reliable intelligence tip was received by the State CID and Cyber Cell that a large number of such unemployed youth have already been contacted by the terrorist outfit/group through social media and local communal organizations and other contacts. The need of the hour was to act swiftly and check these elements/designs before they assume serious proportions.

Discrete inquiries made by the police, through the Cyber Cell, revealed that good numbers of unemployed youth are very active on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. On an average, many of them were spending 6 - 8 hours each day, using electronic devices/internet, etc. It also came to light that such unemployed youth were showing sympathy and endorsing the messages received from certain persons, allegedly the contact persons of that global terrorist group. Their social media accounts revealed their strong affinity to such groups as many of them started forwarding anti-national tweets on their WhatsApp and Facebook, etc. It seemed that they succumbed to their ploy and started propagating secessionist ideology. Their posts were hyper-critical of the government's initiatives, policies and subscribing to extreme beliefs and promoting extremism.

  1. What are the options available to Raman to tackle the above situation ?
  2. What measures would you suggest for strengthening the existing set-up to ensure that such groups do not succeed in penetrating and vitiating the atmosphere in the state ?
  3. In the above scenario, what action plan would you advise for enhancing the intelligence gathering mechanism of the police force?


The recruitment of unemployed youth by terrorist organizations is a serious issue, driven by factors like unemployment and vulnerability. Raman, as D.G. of the state, must tackle the situation swiftly while balancing security measures and ethical responsibilities. Ethical theories can guide his actions to ensure both short-term and long-term resolutions.


(a) Options available to Raman:

  • Enhanced Cyber Surveillance: Raman can strengthen social media monitoring to track recruitment attempts, balancing it with privacy concerns, as per John Stuart Mill's Harm Principle.
  • Community Outreach: Engaging with local communities and influencers to de-radicalize youth and foster positive engagement, following Gandhian principles of peaceful conflict resolution.
  • De-radicalization Programs: Setting up counseling and rehabilitation for individuals affected by extremist ideologies to reintegrate them into society.
  • Immediate Law Enforcement Action: Arrest key figures responsible for recruitment, ensuring due process and human dignity as suggested by Kant’s deontological ethics.
  • Employment Initiatives: Collaborating with government departments to provide employment opportunities, based on Aristotle's virtue ethics, ensuring personal growth through meaningful work.

(b) Measures to strengthen the existing set-up:

  • Advanced Cybersecurity Training: Equip the police with advanced training in cybersecurity to better handle online recruitment activities.
  • Strengthen Community Policing: Build trust between local communities and law enforcement, following Hobbes' social contract theory, to encourage intelligence sharing.
  • Collaborate with Social Media Firms: Work with platforms like Facebook to track extremist content, leveraging the Intermediary Guidelines for better control over online spaces.
  • Public Awareness Campaigns: Educate youth about the dangers of extremist ideologies, aligning with Amartya Sen’s capability approach to expand informed decision-making.
  • Job Creation and Skill Development: Address unemployment by launching job initiatives such as Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana, providing youths an alternative to radicalization.

(c) Action plan for enhancing intelligence-gathering:

  • AI and Data Analytics: Use AI tools to monitor social media and predict recruitment trends, improving real-time responses.
  • Strengthen Human inteligence Networks: Develop local informants within communities to gather intelligence on radicalization efforts, applying Plato’s knowledge theory.
  • Collaboration with Central Agencies: Work closely with national agencies like IB and RAW for better coordination and intelligence sharing.
  • Cross-Border Intelligence: Engage with international partners to prevent cross-border terrorism influences.
  • Anonymous Reporting Channels: Establish anonymous tip lines and apps for the public to report suspicious activities easily.


Raman must balance strict enforcement with preventive measures. A combination of law enforcement, ethical engagement, and providing economic opportunities will ensure long-term peace. By focusing on both immediate threats and root causes, the state can prevent the spread of radicalization while preserving societal harmony.

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