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This model answer analyzes this timeless quote by Swami Vivekananda and conveys the importance of learning from others while maintaining one’s individuality and authenticity.

Q3. Given below are quotations of great thinkers. What do each of these quotations convey to you in the present context?

(a) "Learn everything that is good from others, but bring it in, and in your own way absorb it; do not become others." - Swami Vivekananda

Model Answer:


The quotation by Swami Vivekananda conveys a profound message about the importance of learning, individuality, and authenticity.


  • Learning from Others: Learning from others involves observing, understanding, and adopting the positive qualities, knowledge, and practices that others possess.
  • Absorbing in Your Own Way: Absorbing in your own way means internalizing the learned knowledge and practices in a manner that aligns with your own values, beliefs, and unique identity.
  • Maintaining Individuality: Maintaining individuality involves preserving one's unique identity, values, and perspectives while integrating new knowledge and practices.

Examples in the Present Context:





Professional Development

Professionals can learn new skills, techniques, and methodologies from industry leaders and peers.

Adapt these learnings to their specific job roles and organizational contexts.

Bring unique insights and creativity to work, ensuring innovation and personal growth.

Personal Growth

Individuals can learn valuable life lessons from mentors, books, and experiences.

Internalize these lessons in a way that aligns with personal values and goals.

Personal growth should focus on becoming the best version of oneself, not a replica of someone else.


In the present context, this message is highly relevant as we navigate a world rich with diverse knowledge and experiences. By learning from others, absorbing in our own way, and preserving our unique identity, we can achieve personal and professional growth without losing our essence. 

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