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The Industrial Revolution in England significantly impacted the decline of handicrafts and cottage industries in India during the 18th and 19th centuries. This model answer analyzes how the influx of machine-made goods from England led to the devaluation of traditional Indian crafts and disrupted local economies, creating various socio-economic consequences.

Q13. How far was the Industrial Revolution in England responsible for the decline of handicrafts and cottage industries in India?

Model Answer:


The Industrial Revolution, which began in England in the late 18th century, marked a shift from manual labor to mechanized production. While this revolution transformed global trade and economies, leading to unprecedented industrial growth in England, it had devastating consequences for traditional industries in colonies like India.


Responsibility of the Industrial Revolution for the Decline of Indian Handicrafts and Cottage Industries:

Invasion of Cheap Machine-made Goods

  • The textile industry in England, with mechanized looms, could produce large quantities of cloth at much lower prices, making it difficult for local artisans to compete. 
  • For example, Bengal’s muslin weavers, once globally renowned, faced a steep decline due to the inability to match the prices of British products.

Role of Transportation Advancements

  • The rise of transportation technology like steamships and railways helped in facilitating the quick and cheap transportation of British goods, further impacting local Indian markets.

Quick Integration with Global economy 

  • The British colonial administration used India as a supplier of raw materials, where raw cotton was exported to Britain, processed in factories, and sold back to India as finished goods. 
  • This disrupted the local production chain, particularly affecting the weavers and artisans who relied on locally produced cotton.

Tariff and Trade Policies

  • British policies favored their industries at the expense of Indian artisans and high import duties were placed on Indian goods in England, while British manufactured products were allowed into India duty-free. 

Destruction of Local Markets

  • Indian handicrafts were deeply integrated with local and foreign markets but the Industrial Revolution disrupted this system 
  • In global markets like Europe, where Indian textiles had a significant presence, now British goods dominated, shrinking India’s export base and affecting Indian industries.

Other Reasons for the Decline of Indian Handicrafts and Cottage Industries:

British Colonial Policies

  • The British East India Company and later the Crown implemented policies aimed at extracting maximum revenue, with little concern for Indian artisans. 
  • The Permanent Settlement of 1793 and zamindari system resulted in heavy land taxes, pushing artisans to abandon their crafts and turn to agriculture or wage labor.

Lack of Capital and Technological Advancement

  • Indian handicraft industries were largely traditional, relying on age-old methods of production. 
  • The absence of modern machinery and lack of access to capital made it difficult for artisans to innovate or compete with the efficiency of British factories.

Disruption of Traditional Guilds

  • The British destroyed local guild systems, which regulated trade and supported artisans for centuries. 
  • This  weakened the social and economic networks that once sustained the cottage industries.

Absence of Industrialization in India 

  • While Britain underwent rapid industrialization, Indian industries remained stagnant due to lack of investment and technological innovation. 
  • The British were primarily concerned with resource extraction, not industrial development in India, leading to a widening gap between local and foreign industries.


The decline of Indian handicrafts and cottage industries due to the Industrial Revolution and other factors had far-reaching effects on Indian society. The loss of cultural heritage, as seen in the decline of traditional art forms and crafts, was significant. The social and economic ramifications of this decline persist to this day, with efforts to revive traditional crafts still ongoing.

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