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This model answer explores the trends in intercaste and interreligious marriages in India, focusing on how socioeconomic parity influences these dynamics. While intercaste marriages have seen an uptick among castes with similar economic and social standings, interreligious marriages remain less prevalent. This discussion delves into the implications of these marriage patterns for social cohesion.

Q9. Intercaste marriages between castes which have socio-economic parity have increased, to some extent, but this is less true of interreligious marriages. Discuss.

Model Answer:


Marriage is defined as a formalized union between two individuals that typically involves legal, social, and emotional ties. It is an institution that serves as the foundation for family structures and plays a pivotal role in shaping social norms and values. According to the National Family Health Survey, around 11% marriages happening in India are Inter-caste marriages. 


Reasons for Increased Acceptance of Inter-Caste Marriages:

  • Economic Parity: Socio-economic equality between castes has led to a higher acceptance of inter-caste marriages. For instance, urbanization and education have blurred caste distinctions.
  • Legal and Social Reforms: Government initiatives like the Dr. Ambedkar Scheme for Social Integration through Inter-Caste Marriages provide financial incentives, promoting such unions.
  • Changing Social Norms: Increased exposure to diverse cultures and progressive values through media and education has fostered acceptance.
  • Globalization, Modernisation and increased education: Increased awareness and understanding of the people as traveling becomes easier and the world is getting closer. 

Reasons for Opposition to Inter-Religious Marriages:

  • Anti-Conversion laws: Some states have laws banning religious conversion for marriage, enabling arrests, torture, and state control over interfaith marriage validity.
  • Personal laws: Some personal laws mandate religious conversion for marriage, such as Muslim women being unable to marry non-Muslim men under Islamic law.
  • Religious Identity Politics: Religious leaders and political entities often oppose inter-religious marriages to maintain their influence and voter base.
  • Religious doctrine: Couples with different religious beliefs may experience miscommunication, misunderstanding, and resentment, especially over religious doctrine.
  • Social Stigma and Family Pressure: Families often resist inter-religious marriages due to societal pressure and fear of ostracization.
  • Khap Panchayats and Honor Killings: Those who defied the social norm faced harsh consequences, including violence, social and family boycotts, and even death.

Steps to promote legal inter-religious and inter-caste marriages:

  • Government Schemes: The Dr. Ambedkar Scheme offers financial support to inter-caste couples, encouraging such unions.
  • Legal Protections: The Special Marriage Act, 1954, provides a legal framework for inter-caste and inter-religious marriages, safeguarding the rights of couples.
  • Awareness Campaigns: NGOs and social activists conduct campaigns to promote the benefits of inter-caste marriages and reduce societal prejudices.
  • Uniform Civil Code: 22nd Law commission has recommended the implementation of Uniform Civil Code across the country. 
  • Judicial Support: The judiciary has played a crucial role in upholding the rights of individuals in inter-religious marriages, as seen in landmark judgments like the Hadiya case.


In conclusion, for social harmony, it is essential to foster acceptance of both types of marriages. The judiciary's role in safeguarding individual rights is crucial in this context, ensuring that personal choices are respected and protected. There is a need to glorify, give media exposure and encourage such marriages in order to reduce the caste barrier prevalent in Indian society.

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