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Regional disparity refers to the uneven distribution of resources, wealth, and opportunities across different regions within a country. This model answer distinguishes regional disparity from diversity, which celebrates differences in culture, language, and geography. The answer also explores the seriousness of regional disparity in India, highlighting economic and social inequalities between regions.

Q17. What is regional disparity? How does it differ from diversity? How serious is the issue of regional disparity in India? 

Model Answer:


Regional disparity refers to uneven economic and social development across different areas, significantly impacting India’s growth and equality. For example, economic indicators show that states like Bihar and Uttar Pradesh have significantly lower GDP per capita compared to wealthier states like Maharashtra.


Difference Between Regional Disparity and Diversity


Regional Disparity



Focuses on inequalities.

Celebrates variety within a region.


Highlights gaps in development and resource allocation.

Emphasizes cultural, linguistic, and social differences.


Often linked to historical, political, and economic factors.

Recognizes coexistence without implying inequality.

For example, India’s cultural diversity includes over 2,000 distinct ethnic groups. However, the infrastructure gap in the sphere of education and health in Kerala and Bihar is an example of regional disparity. 

Severity of Regional Disparity in India: Regional disparity in India is a critical issue, impacting socio-economic development and perpetuating inequalities across states.

  • Economic Disparities: States like Maharashtra and Gujarat exhibit higher GDP per capita compared to states like Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, highlighting uneven economic growth.
  • Access to Education: Southern states such as Kerala and Tamil Nadu have literacy rates exceeding 90%, while states like Bihar lag significantly, impacting workforce skills.
  • Healthcare Infrastructure: Kerala’s robust healthcare system results in better health outcomes, whereas states like Madhya Pradesh face high maternal and infant mortality rates.
  • Employment Opportunities: Urban centers like Bangalore and Hyderabad attract IT investments, while rural areas in states like Jharkhand struggle with high unemployment rates.
  • Infrastructure Development: Well-developed transport and communication networks in Punjab contrast sharply with inadequate infrastructure in northeastern states, hindering connectivity and trade.
  • Poverty Rates: As of 2020, over 30% of the population in Chhattisgarh lives below the poverty line, compared to less than 5% in states like Goa.
  • Agricultural Productivity: States like Punjab and Haryana achieve high crop yields due to better irrigation and technology, while rain-fed regions in Odisha suffer from low productivity. 
  • Urbanization Rates: Rapid urbanization in states like Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu contrasts with slow urban growth in states like Bihar, exacerbating regional inequalities. 

Measures to address the regional disparity in India:

Economic Development Initiatives

  • Increase the share of taxes devolved to states, enabling them to invest in regional development and infrastructure.  
  • Establish special economic zones (SEZs) in underdeveloped regions to attract investment and create jobs.

Infrastructure Improvement

  • Focus on improving basic urban infrastructure in smaller cities and towns to facilitate balanced regional growth.
  • Enhance rural infrastructure through schemes like the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY), ensuring better connectivity to markets and services.

Promotion of Regional Industries

  • Enhance support for MSMEs in backward regions through subsidies and easy access to credit.
  • Create a network of industrial clusters in less developed regions to stimulate local economies and employment.

Regional Planning and Monitoring

  • Regular monitoring and evaluation of development indicators in identified districts to ensure targeted interventions.
  • Develop a comprehensive data-driven framework to track progress and recalibrate strategies for lagging regions.


Addressing regional disparity is crucial for fostering equitable growth and ensuring that all Indians can thrive. By implementing targeted strategies and promoting inclusive policies, we can bridge the gaps in development and harness the diverse potential of every region. A united effort towards balanced progress will enhance India's socio-economic landscape and promote true national integration.

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