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This model answer explores the causes and global implications of 'Demographic Winter', addressing whether the world is moving toward such a situation. It focuses on key GS1 syllabus themes like population trends and their socio-economic impacts.

Q7. What is the concept of 'demographic winter'? Is the world moving towards such a situation? Elaborate.

Model Answer:


The term 'demographic winter' refers to the decline in birth rates, leading to an ageing population and socio-economic challenges. Below are five causes and four impacts of this phenomenon:



  • Declining Birth Rates: Countries like Italy and  Japan have birth rates below 2.1 children per woman (World Bank).
  • Increased Life Expectancy: Japan’s life expectancy stands at 84 years, contributing to an ageing population.
  • Economic Pressures: High costs of living in cities like Tokyo and New York discourage larger families.
  • Women's Empowerment: Increased participation of women in the workforce correlates with lower fertility rates globally.
  • Delayed Marriages and Parenthood: In countries like South Korea, marriage and childbirth are delayed, contributing to a reduced birth rate.


  • Shrinking Workforce: Countries like Germany face labor shortages due to a declining working-age population.
  • Economic Strain: Aging populations increase pressure on social security systems, with the U.S. Social Security is projected to run out by 2034.
  • Lower Economic Growth: Japan’s sluggish GDP growth is partly due to its ageing population.
  • Intergenerational Inequity: Younger generations may bear heavier tax burdens to support the elderly.


Addressing demographic winter requires policies like family incentives, immigration reforms, and long-term planning, as seen in countries like Sweden and France, to maintain population balance.

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