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Electoral reforms are vital for enhancing the democratic process and ensuring fair representation in India. This examination of the "one nation-one election" principle, as proposed by various committees, highlights the necessity for systemic changes to streamline electoral processes, reduce costs, and improve governance efficiency.

Q1. Examine the need for electoral reforms as suggested by various committees with particular reference to the “one nation-one election” principle.

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Electoral reforms in India aim to address challenges like high election costs, political instability, and frequent electoral cycles. Among the key reforms suggested is the "One Nation-One Election" principle, which advocates holding simultaneous elections for the Lok Sabha and state assemblies. The idea aims to improve governance, reduce electoral costs, and streamline the democratic process.


Key Committees and Recommendations:

  • Law Commission (170th Report, 1999): Advocated for simultaneous elections to enhance governance stability and reduce disruptions from frequent polls.
  • NITI Aayog (2017): Recommended phased implementation, starting with aligning some state elections with the Lok Sabha.
  • Election Commission of India (ECI): Stressed the need for constitutional amendments and political consensus for implementation.
  • Administrative Reforms Commission (4th Report, 2008): Focused on electoral reforms to curb criminalization and improve transparency.
  • Kovind Committee (2023): Examines legal, constitutional, and logistical challenges, aiming to provide a framework for gradual implementation to reduce governance disruptions.

Need for Reforms:

  • Cost Reduction: Simultaneous elections lower the financial burden on the government and political parties by avoiding multiple election cycles. 
  • Governance Efficiency: It allows governments to focus on long-term policies rather than short-term populism driven by frequent elections.
  • Voter Engagement: Reduces voter fatigue and can increase participation by streamlining the electoral process.
  • Political Stability: Ensures longer government tenures, reducing the need for frequent midterm elections.

Challenges to Implementation

  • Constitutional Changes: Requires amendments related to assembly terms and dissolution.
  • Regional Differences: Varying political cycles in states may disrupt local governance.
  • Political Agreement: Gaining consensus among diverse parties, especially regional ones, is difficult.
  • Logistical Issues: Coordinating simultaneous elections across a vast country poses significant administrative challenges.


Electoral reforms, especially the "One Nation-One Election" principle, can bring about cost reduction, governance efficiency, and political stability in India. The Kovind Committee marks a crucial step in moving towards these reforms, but the path requires significant political will, legal amendments, and coordination with stakeholders across the political spectrum.

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