Table of contents

Public charitable trusts play a pivotal role in fostering inclusive development in India by addressing vital social issues such as education, healthcare, and poverty alleviation. This commentary examines how these trusts mobilize resources and engage communities, enhancing the reach of government initiatives and promoting sustainable development through collaboration and innovation.

Q6. Public charitable trusts have the potential to make India’s development more inclusive as they relate to certain vital public issues. Comment.

Model Answer:


A public charitable trust is a legal entity that pools resources and assets to serve a charitable purpose for the benefit of the public. Public charitable trusts are also known as non-profit NGOs.


Role of Public charitable trust in inclusive development

  • Education Access: Helping bridge the gap for underprivileged children. For instance, Pratham works to improve education quality and access for children in India through various initiatives, including the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER).
  • Healthcare Initiatives: Improve healthcare access, especially in rural regions. Example: Smile Foundation engages in various health initiatives, including healthcare services for children and marginalized communities.
  • Poverty Alleviation: Many trusts focus on livelihood generation and poverty reduction. For example: Rang De focuses on providing affordable credit to low-income communities in India.
  • Women’s Empowerment: Charitable trusts addressing gender inequality play a vital role in fostering inclusive development. The Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) aims to empower women workers in the informal sector, providing them with training, financial services, and legal rights support.
  • Environment and Sustainability: Public trusts can also contribute to environmental conservation, ensuring sustainable development. The Wildlife Trust of India works on biodiversity conservation, habitat restoration, and wildlife protection, often engaging local communities in these efforts.
  • Social Justice and Rights: Trusts advocating for marginalized groups help promote social equity. The Narmada Bachao Andolan, while more of a movement, has been supported by various trusts focusing on the rights of displaced communities affected by large dam projects.


Public charitable trusts in India play a crucial role in fostering inclusive development by addressing education, health, poverty, women's rights, environmental issues, and social justice. Their resource mobilization and community engagement ensure targeted initiatives reach vulnerable populations, contributing to a more equitable and inclusive developmental landscape.

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