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Terrorism poses a grave challenge to global peace and security. The United Nations Security Council's Counter Terrorism Committee (CTC) plays a key role in combating terrorism by fostering international cooperation, enhancing legal frameworks, and monitoring counter-terrorism efforts globally.

Q19. Terrorism has become a significant threat to global peace and security. Evaluate the effectiveness of the United Nations Security Council's Counter Terrorism Committee (CTC) and its associated bodies in addressing and mitigating this threat at the international level.

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Terrorism remains a severe global threat, undermining peace, security, and development across the world. A comprehensive international effort is essential to tackle this menace, with the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and its Counter Terrorism Committee (CTC) at the forefront of these efforts. Established under UNSC Resolution 1373 (2001), the CTC strengthens the capacity of member states to prevent and respond to terrorism.


The CTC works in conjunction with other critical UNSC committees like the 1267 Sanctions Committee, which focuses on sanctioning groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS, and the 1540 Committee, which works to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction to non-state actors.

Actions Taken by the CTC and Associated Bodies:

  • Sanctioning Terrorist Entities: The 1267 Committee has listed various terrorist groups and individuals, freezing their assets, enforcing travel bans, and implementing arms embargoes. For example, Masood Azhar, leader of Jaish-e-Mohammed, was sanctioned in 2019 after years of lobbying by India.
  • Capacity-Building and Technical Assistance: The CTC provides technical assistance and training to member states to enhance their counter-terrorism capabilities. It organizes capacity-building workshops, focusing on cybersecurity, border control, and counter-financing of terrorism.
  • Monitoring and Reporting: The CTC monitors the implementation of UNSC resolutions such as Resolution 1373 and ensures compliance by member states. It submits detailed reports on the progress and challenges faced by various countries in their counter-terrorism efforts.
  • Facilitating International Cooperation: By promoting intelligence sharing and joint operations among member states, the CTC strengthens global cooperation. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) works closely with the CTC to combat terrorist financing, enhancing global financial integrity.

Challenges and Limitations:

  • Lack of a Universal Definition of Terrorism: The absence of an internationally agreed definition complicates global counter-terrorism efforts, as member states interpret terrorism differently. The 2004 UN High-Level Panel Report stressed this as a key obstacle.
  • Geopolitical Differences: Conflicting political interests often undermine the effectiveness of the CTC. For example, disagreements between permanent UNSC members can weaken sanctions enforcement or delay listings of known terrorists.
  • Resource Gaps: Many developing countries lack adequate resources to implement CTC recommendations fully. According to a 2020 UN report, over 30% of UN member states require financial or technical assistance for effective counter-terrorism measures.


While the UNSC’s CTC has made significant strides in countering terrorism through sanctions and fostering international cooperation, the lack of a universal definition, political differences, and resource constraints hinder its full potential. Addressing these challenges through reforms, enhanced cooperation, and resource allocation will be key to building a more robust and unified global counter-terrorism framework.

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